Death is the one thing that doesn’t get easier or better as time goes by. It’s just the opposite. The more time that passes, the worse it gets because your brain starts to grasp the fact that the person you loved is not coming back.

Daddy Day is our way of honoring and remembering Steve and what his life meant to us as a family.

On the 28th of every month, the day Steve completed his life on earth and began his new life with Jesus, we celebrate Steve’s life. We call this Daddy Day. We spend the day sharing stories about Steve, laughing, crying, whatever the day brings. We also do something special for our hearts because that’s what Steve would do for us if he were here. We come up with something fun to do that brings a smile to our lives, just as Steve did. Every Daddy Day is different, just the way Steve would have wanted it because he loved variety. But every month on the 28th, our hearts get to remember the man that changed our lives.

Since Steve loved to read, every Daddy Day I would give each little woman a book, kind of like our own little Daddy Day Book Club. I gave them a book based on what Steve would have been teaching them about life if he were here. I wanted them to feel Steve’s love for them and offer words of advice, just like what he would be doing if he were alive. It could be his gift to them — the love of reading, the wisdom of great words, and the adventure of wonderful writings. And so our Daddy Day Book Club began.

Share your Daddy Day story with us . . .